Sports Performance


SBR Running Analysis

We are committed to enhancing your run

Initial Running Analysis will include a thorough physical assessment by our SBR staff specializing in the body and running. We will be looking at movement patterns, mobility, and strength. We are trained extensively in human biomechanics at multiple levels of tissue, bone, and muscle.

Video and photos of running gait with be taken followed by an in depth discussion on individual findings and resulting effects.

Exercise and running tips specific to your running and physical assessments will be prescribed.This can include a mobility routine, strength, flexibility, and corrective drills.


BIKE FIT ASSESSMENT by Certified Bike Fitters


Our doctors of physical therapy perform a bio-mechanical evaluation of YOU, which determines how your body moves both static and dynamic (off and on the bike). We look from head to toe to determine if you have enough range of motion, flexibility, mobility, and strength and coordination to ride your bike without injury and most efficiently for PERFORMANCE and COMFORT.

Limitations to your cycling performance will be identified and the proper course of treatment to best benefit you will be determined.

Bike fit includes:

  • Musculoskeletal evaluation both static and dynamic (both off and on the bike)
  • Bike fit assessment and recommendations
  • Education and performance tips

Use science to get an edge on your ride. Biking is a very technical sport and it should FEEL GOOD.

Biking is a sport of repetition, with repetitive movement patterns your form is of utmost importance for your wellbeing and your performance!



she’s passionate about her work

“After spending a couple sessions with Jeanie, not only did I feel comfortable but knew that I was investing in a service, rather than paying for a service. And just sitting and listening with her in a conversation I know that she not only knows what she’s talking about, but she’s passionate about it. That is why I would recommend SBR to everyone I can.”


We aim to give you the highest quality of service from the moment you book. Click below to be directed to our booking app and begin your experience with us now!