Why should every mother have pelvic floor therapy?

Every mom should have pelvic floor therapy if they have had a baby. Having a baby is no small feat. I remember one mother of 4 saying to me “ I could never do an ironman”, and I’m thinking you had 4 babies you have already completed the ultimate ironman/woman. I personally have done nothing harder then carrying and delivering and then recovering from having babies. I feel the duty of being a mom is under appreciated and under treated.

The fetus can house her/himself in the lung, abdominal and/or pelvic region for up to 9 months. The fetus definitely displaces the body and changes the musculoskeletal alignment and mechanics.

A woman gives birth (on average) to a 7.5 pound baby. At delivery this precious human being goes through your vagina/or abdominals. Again demanding changes at your muscle, bone, and tissue. Whether you deliver abdominally or vaginally, each IS affecting your musculoskeletal system.

Interestingly many women are opting for a C-section to avoid the potential complications of vaginally delivery. There is not enough research to show who is more affected. However, I have my opinions from clinical expertise. This is for another blog.

After delivery your physical demands on your body are not over. Next you nurture the baby – which is 24/7 job. IF you are lucky you get to sleep and don’t have any pain or discomfort.

Throughout the whole process this is no small journey. You are an “IRONMOM”. Every woman will face musculoskeletal issues during pregnancy. You might not feel the effects of pregnancy even decades later, but I assure you no woman will go unaffected by carrying a baby, you just can’t, it changes you.

Just like every ironman/women will feel the affects of the ironman – how we train and recover will affect how we fair in the short and long run.

In other counties it is standard care to have 3 months of pelvic therapy following pregnancy. Here in most states and regions, unless you have a clear diagnosis and ask for therapy, most woman go untreated and underserved.

Common pregnancy issues that our pelvic floor therapist/s treat are dyspareunia (pain with intercourse), low back pain, SI (sacroiliac pain), pelvic obliquities and alignment issues, incontinence of bladder and/ bowel, pelvic floor dysfunction (anything that affects the function of the pelvis), posture, and more.

Common musculoskeletal changes that occur during pregnancy are: increased lumbar lordosis(extension), diastasis rectus abdominus (the 2 sides of the abdominal muscles separate as the tissue connecting them stretches), weakening or tightening of the pelvic floor and associated muscles, decreased hip mobility, and imbalances throughout spine and pelvis

If you could give anything to yourself, mother, sister, friend, and/or wife – the gift of SBR therapy and wellness would be a great start. We provide hands on treatment, one on one therapies for mothers, and rehabilitation following and during pregnancy. We have over 10 years of speciality expertise helping mothers. Get your body back! It’s never to late….

Dr. Jeanie